Our Mission
It's our belief that we in the US are richly blessed in material wealth, so that we may be a blessing to others. CFH strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the "least of these" by caring for those who cannot yet care for themselves, in a place where there simply aren't enough adults to do that job. The median age in Uganda is 15 1/2 years old- second youngest population in the world. Material poverty is a daily reality on a level that few Americans will ever experience. And while there may be material poverty in Uganda, there is an equal measure of spiritual abundance, and immense capacity and hunger for success and growth. We believe that it's our role to connect our abundance to their poverty, and to connect their abundance to our poverty so that both sides are edified and strengthened. And we're doing it!
CHILDREN OF THE FATHER’S HOUSE has a goal to provide each child with double sponsorship for education & care (E&C), as well as health & household (H2). Achieving this goal will ensure all operational costs are supported, and that CFH can focus on capital development.
Long term goals include owning our home and becoming the first online primary and secondary school in Uganda! That dream has already begun in our pilot program called Transformation International Online School!
It's our hope and highest pursuit, that each child at CFH will not just survive, but will thrive to become a change agent in the world they live in.
We're not trying to export kids to a "better life" in the US. We're trying to elevate the standard of living right where they are, and raising them up to be leaders who can export that vision to their own nation.
We want to raise the standard and expectation of what's possible for our kids and for an entire generation of children growing up in Uganda.
When the Bible said that the last shall be first, we take that as a permission slip to let our kids lead the charge into the information age and the transformation of education in Uganda. We believe that education is a tremendous key to unlocking chains of generational poverty and we aim to not only break those chains, but to expand the horizons of everyone watching us so that thousands and millions more across Easts Africa will have the opportunity to grow. Pray with us for all the pieces to fall into place which will facilitate this exciting development. We're anticipating launch of Transformation Academy within the year!
““Father of the fatherless and protector of widows, is God in his holy habitation.””
What We've Achieved
In the 3 short years since CFH was born, we have ransomed 32 kid's lives at our children’s home-becoming a family when nobody else willing to do it. In February 2019, we launched a Family Preservation Project (FPP) which is allowing 21 new orphaned children to stay in the context of their own biological families- aunties, grandmothers and who desperately want to keep their orphaned relatives but couldn’t afford the best interests of the child.
We’re backing up a family to take care of their owN…
…by paying the school fees directly to the school and then monitoring, counseling, mentoring and connecting them to resources through a local church. But that is far from all the people we have touched. Our circle is pushing 300 strong- staff, sponsors, family members, neighbors, supporters, business partners in Uganda, and in the US, churches in both countries...
On the ground in Kampala, in our family-style home, we provide a safe and secure house with a bed for every child, clothes, mosquito net, running water, and three meals for each child. The CFH kids go to school each day, and to church every Sunday, enjoying soccer and reading after homework is done. While these things may be normal in America, it's not in Uganda. Despite the sad and traumatic stories our kids arrive with, when they come to CFH, they become some of the luckiest kids in the country.
Below are some of the highlights:
All children are in school full-time.
Our secondary kids are piloting the first cohort of Transformation International Online School-the first of it’s kind in Uganda
The children have a NEW, stable home with separate houses for boys and girls.
Each child has a bed and blanket.
Each child has a backpack and school supplies.
The house has a refrigerator, the first the children or adult caretakers have ever had.
The children eat vegetables and meat each week.
Each child has clothes and a pair of shoes.
The children have access to medical care whenever they are sick.
ONLY 9 more sponsors to go until we achieve full double sponsorship!
CFH has launched it’s first two 18-year olds this year One is having huge success in trade school and the other has been accepted to a community college in the US to become the next generation of leadership in our organization! We could not be more excited and proud to see where God is taking these kids! A hope and a future indeed! As they study, they are staying on as part-time employees to CFH to help carry the load of our growing numbers. It’s amazing to see the circle that’s connecting as the last become first and then begin serving and leading the younger generation.